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Internationalism at Pilton

Promoting Internationalism is a key mission within our school.

We have been awardL032 isa mark 420x420 rgb finaled the International School Award from The British Council from 2007 to 2025. We aim:  

  • to collaborate with other schools in North Devon, providing support and encouragement for learners of all ages to develop their language skills.  

  • to broaden and expand the teaching of modern languages by exploring innovative and creative strategies which enable learners of all abilities to maximise their potential.  

  • to ensure a seamless transition in language learning from primary level (KS2) through to tertiary level (KS5) by working closely with feeder primary schools.  

  • to broaden the horizons of our students by breaking down the rural isolation of North Devon and encouraging international communication through an extensive programme of exchanges and overseas visits.  

  • to provide a welcoming environment for visiting overseas teachers and students and enable them to experience the curriculum in an outward looking, international setting.  

  • to ensure all students are involved in events within the school setting that enable them to gain an appreciation of the wider world. 

The school offers a range of languages for students to study and whenever possible we support students to gain GCSEs in native languages spoken at home. We engage in activities such as student visits and teacher and student exchanges, which provide an international dimension across the curriculum, thereby raising students' aspirations and horizons.   

After more than fifteen years with International School Award status, the impact of our work is clearly evident across the school and in the community we serve. We work closely with our primary schools, as well as with our local community organisations.  We are committed to embedding international awareness and understanding through a range of experiences within the school, thus impacting all our students, even if they do not travel overseas.

If you would like to see more information and photos of our trips and events, please click here and select the filter for MFL.