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Options Portal

Our Options process has been created to help you select the subjects that you want to study at Key Stage 4. This portal provides access to a huge range of resources regarding this process, subject information and next steps.  With this information we are sure you will be able to make the choices to enable you to be a success.

Resources include:

  • an Options booklet which includes detailed information regarding each subject. If you require a paper copy, please request this via the options email below.
  • subject pages: All subjects have provided detailed information regarding their subjects, assessment opportunities and progression to post 16 routes
  • subject learning journeys which allow you to see the subject content, when it will be taught and  assessment points throughout Year 10 and Year 11
  • subject assemblies: In the week beginning 4th February, Year 9 students will have an assembly every day when Heads of Department will present aspects of their subject course, core concepts, key skills, enrichment and cultural capital, assessments, future opportunities and associated careers.

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Two Pathways

Pathway A - English Baccalaureate Pathway 

This involves choosing a Language and a Humanities subject (Geography or History), leaving two further choices. Students can select from our broad range of Expressive Arts, Creative Arts, Technology, Computer Sciences, Triple Science, Sport, additional Languages and additional Humanities subjects.  

You are encouraged to follow this pathway if you have demonstrated an aptitude to learn a modern foreign language.  With continued effort, we are confident you would be successful in gaining GCSEs in the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects, thereby opening doors for future learning and career opportunities, as summarised from a study by the University College London Institute of Education and the Sutton Trust:

“…studying subjects included in the EBacc provides students with greater opportunities in further education and increases the likelihood that a pupil will stay on in full-time education. Sutton Trust research reveals that studying the EBacc can help improve a young person’s performance in English and Maths”.

Pathway B - Broad and Balanced Pathway

Students selected to follow our Broad and Balanced Pathway must choose a Language or a Humanities subject (Geography or History,) leaving three further choices.  These can be selected from our broad range of Expressive Arts, Creative Arts, Technology, Computer Sciences, Triple Science, Sport, additional Languages and additional Humanities subjects.

We strongly suggest that students wishing to apply for university places in the future select a language as part of their subject choice.