Assessments are integral to the Teaching and Learning process. At Pilton we have both formative and summative assessments.
Formative assessments happen continuously in the classroom. These assessments inform the teacher of the progress the students are making within their lesson and help them plan future lessons. Formative assessment activities include:
These assessments prepare students to sit end-of-year exams and ultimately their GCSEs. As each assessment contains knowledge and skills that has been taught since the start of the academic year, students need to develop revision habits to retain and apply information that may have been taught many months earlier. To help students develop these habits, we have developed a full "Revision at Pilton" strategy which can be found in the Home Learning resources books and here on the website.
Following each assessment window we plan a reteach week when teachers cover the gaps in knowledge that become apparent once the assessments are marked.
Students are given a blank timetable to fill in two weeks prior to the assessment so that they know when their assessments are going to take place.
Assessments inform the KS3 working statement for each subject.
The statements are as follows;
The student is demonstrating a greater level of understanding and application of the skills taught during this assessment period. The skills and knowledge learnt can be applied independently in a variety of contexts. They are working at a level higher than the age expectations of the subject
All departments also record an Attitude to Learning, Homework and a Progress Indicator score. The document below indicates what the specific grades mean.
The grade the students achieve in their assessments informs the grade which parents receive. In the case of Year 10 and Year 11, this is a currently-working-at GCSE grade. (Some practical subjects will also include a practical element to the grade)
Year 11 assessments take place as full mock examination in the Sports Hall in order to prepare students for their GCSEs. This happens in both the Autumn and Spring terms.
Year 10 students have a full mock examination in the Sports Hall at the end of the summer term.
Parents' evenings are held throughout the year, giving parents the opportunity to discuss student progress with members of Pilton Community College staff. Currently our Parents' evenings are virtual. You will receive an invitation to make your appointments 10 days before the scheduled parents' evening.