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PSHE @ Pilton centres around the three core areas of health and wellbeing; relationships and the wider world. We aim to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to deal the challenges they may face in each of these complex areas, enabling them to lead happy, healthy and safe lives as they move through secondary school and beyond.

The Department for Education made major aspects of PSHE statutory for every school in England from September 2020. At this time, Pilton decided to use a comprehensive package of PSHE provision known as Jigsaw. Jigsaw PSHE Ltd is a North Devon-based company, established in 2013, working with schools across the UK and in 30+ countries.

We are now developing a more bespoke provision of PSHE for our students at Pilton and between 2024 to 2027 we will be gradually integrating more PSHE @ Pilton lessons into our curriculum.  The core PSHE progamme is delivered by tutors during one 60 minute lesson per fortnight with an additional citizenship lesson in lower key stage 3. For some specific skills, days are collapsed and lunchtime sessions organised to accommodate workshops often led by external visitors. PSHE, and Career Education is also routinely taught in other curriculum areas being implicitly and explicitly covered within schemes of work.

At key stage 3, students build on the knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and values they have acquired and developed during the primary phase. PSHE education acknowledges and addresses the changes that young people experience, beginning with transition to secondary school, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence. It teaches the knowledge and skills which will equip them for the opportunities and challenges of life. Students learn to manage diverse relationships, their online lives, and the increasing influence of peers and the media. At key stage 4, students deepen knowledge and understanding, extend and rehearse skills, and further explore attitudes, values and attributes acquired during key stage 3. PSHE education reflects the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others.

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